
Painter And Scientist

In the field of tension between the analytical and the sensual. The special view of the world.

“Art is magic, freed from the lie of being truth” – the words of Theodor W. Adorno, philosopher of the Frankfurt School, are an excellent description of great painting. Horst Güntheroth’s work is grounded in this principle. And in a particularly tangible way.

The immense space
which we inhabit on planet Earth
is restlessly active and full of
fascinating material

Employing scientific principles in the search for truth played an important part in Güntheroth’s early development. The Hamburg-based artist graduated in physics and, as a theoretical physicist, carried out research into quantum mechanics.It was at this time that he started to move away from the certainties provided by science and to engage artistically with the range and diversity of material phenomena. The aim: to create something magical.

A focal point of Güntheroth’s work is the universe. This immense space which we inhabit on planet Earth is restlessly active and full of fascinating material. It is the home and birthplace of all life. Whoever stares into this vastness from the Earth shudders at its impenetrability and its mystery, and is beset by the most fundamental of questions : What is all this? How big is this world? How did it come into being? And what role is man, who appears but fleetingly in the universe, to play?

Horst Güntheroth approaches what happens in the universe emotionally, not analytically. He uses telescopic images from space - swirling cloud matter, distant galaxies and blazing extra-terrestrial fire - for visual reflection. And yet this is nothing more than inspiration. Güntheroth works continually with distance and abstraction, repeatedly switching standpoint and perspective. Often, roles are even ascribed to mere aspects. From this emerge abstract works of art whose origins are not immediately or wholly clear to the observer. And yet it is precisely in this mystery that lies nearly all of their appeal.

In addition Güntheroth sets off time and again on artistic excursions, paying flying visits to minute worlds which are of course themselves part of the vast cosmos. He is always experimenting anew, creating the unconventional and the symbolical. Furthermore he is fascinated by color compositions, the elements of which he repeatedly creates new and brings in exciting relationships with one another.

Horst Güntheroth is a member of the Professional Association of Creative Arts and exhibits internationally.